Sunday 29 March 2020

IBM Champion!

I just got a message from IBM,
Congratulations, you're an IBM Champion!
Hello, and welcome! After reviewing and evaluating your contributions to the IBM technology community over the past 12 months, IBM is happy to announce that you have been selected as an IBM Champion for 2020. 
The IBM Champion program recognizes individuals who make extraordinary contributions to our IBM communities by advocating IBM solutions; sharing their knowledge and expertise; and helping nurture and grow independent communities.
This recognition is awarded based on your contributions for the 2019 calendar year. The IBM Champion designation is for a 1-year term, and may be renewed by IBM annually, provided you demonstrate continued community engagement and contributions. Your IBM Champion status begins now and will run through December 2020. 


Digital Transformation Strategy Plan

  What is the Digital Transformation Strategy: Digital transformation strategy refers to the process of leveraging technology to fundame...